Tuition and fees for students in Grade 7 are $5,119.00 per year. The registration fee for grade 7 students is $375.00. For students in grades 8 through 11, tuition and fees are $5,115.00 per year. For students in grade 12, tuition and fees are $5,115.00 plus a graduation fee of $375.00.
School fees are due three times per school year.
1. A $375.00 non-refundable registration fee is due before students are enrolled.
2. On or before September 1 - $1,809.00
3. On or before December 1 - $1,655.00
4. On or before March 1 - $1,655.00.
1. On or before September 1 - $1,805.00
2. On or before December 1 - $1,655.00
3. On or before March 1 - $1,655.00
1. A $375.00 graduation fee is required.
2. On or before September 1 - $1,805.00.
3. On or before December 1 - $1,655.00
4. On or before March 1 - $1,655.00.
There are three ways school fee payments can be made:
2. Online payments can be done via the Portal's link at
3. Online bank payments can be made on your bank's online platform using the information below. Please be sure to include the student's name when making the transfer. After the transfer is made, screenshot or take a photo of the payment confirmation page and send it to A receipt will be sent to your email. For detailed instructions on how to make online payments, please click on the link below.
Name on Account: St. Augustine's College
Bank: First Caribbean International Bank Ltd.
Branch: Harbour Bay
Branch Code: 09121 OR 09766
Account Number: 1235055