Face to face instruction will begin on Monday, February 1 on a rotation basis. Grade levels will be grouped as follows:
- Grades 7 & 12
- Grades 9 & 11
- Grades 8 & 10
The other four grade levels will continue with online learning when they are not on campus.
The schedule for each grade level will be posted by the end of the first week in January. The class schedule will be the same as the one currently used with homeroom beginning at 8:30am. However, because of the required check in procedures, students on the face-to-face schedue must report to school by 8 am. When attending on campus classes, students must wear complete and proper uniforms, and adhere to all other school rules concerning appearance and behaviour.
Please note the following
- Four entry and exit points to the campus will be designated for students. Other areas will be restricted.
- Students must go directly to their homerooms.
- Parents/visitors will not be allowed entry to campus during drop offs as we wish to focus on students during this time
- Temperature readings will be taken before the student can enter the campus. Students with elevated temperatures will be isolated and parents will be contacted immediately.
- Social distancing must be practiced. Staff will control entry and exit to the classroom.
- Lock rooms will be closed until further notice.
- Masks must be worn (a school mask or a plain red or blue mask)
- A personal hand sanitizer is required of each student.
- Students will not be allowed to share books/equipment.
- Another eatching cabana/area will be established. Students may bring a packed lunch. Staff will monitor eating areas. Only pre-packaged meals will be served. Outside lunch deliveries will not be accepted.
- Movement on campus will be single file and in one direction.
- There will be no assemblies
- Community service and extra-curricular activities are suspended until further notice.
- Parents are asked to collect students immediately after the last class. A designated pick-up area will be assigned. The office will close at 4 pm each day.
Campus Visits
Visitors wishing to see administrators, guidance counsellors or staff will be by appointment only. All visitors must report directly to the administration building. We will make every effort to respond to phone calls and messages as soon as possible.
We thank you for your patience and support as we continue in our efforts to ensure that our students are receiving the best education during this challenging time.