The following percentages represent the number of students who passed, receiving grades A-C. Please note that this year began the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic.
The following percentages show the amount of students who passed with grades A-C. Please note that this year began the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Many students did not sit the exam this year.
The following percentages show the amount of students who passed with grades A-C.
37 students received 5 or more A's.
97.6% of all students who sat received 5 or more grades at C or above.
The following percentages show the amount of students who passed with grades A-C.
92.6% of students passed 5 or more grades receiving grades C or above
20 students received 5 or more A's (listed in order)
The following percentages show the amount of students who passed with grades A-C.
97.1% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
95.7% of students passed 6 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
The following percentages show the amount of students who passed with grades A-C.
16 students received 5 or more As
85.2% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All ninth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
93.6% of all ninth grade students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
92.2% of all ninth grade students passed 6 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All twelfth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
19 students received 5 or more As
88.6% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C and above.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All ninth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
96.2% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
30 students received 5 or more As. In order:
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All twelfth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
92.2% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
16 students received 5 or more As. In order:
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All ninth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
93.9% of sutdents passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
20 students received 5 or more As.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All twelfth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
96.4% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
13 students received 5 or more As.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All ninth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
20 students received 5 or more As.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All ninth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All twelfth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
97.4% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All ninth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
The following shows the percentage of students who passed with grades A-C. All twelfth grade students are required to take the exams for core and elective subjects.
98.4% of students passed 5 or more subjects receiving grades C or above.