Tampa Catholic High School

Accreditation and Mission

St. Augustine’s College is accredited by the National Accreditation and Equivalency Council of The Bahamas (NAECOB).

The Vision of St. Augustine’s College

Every St. Augustine’s College student will experience personal success. By developing critical thinking skills, they will become lifelong learners and become productive citizens.

Mission Statement

At St. Augustine’s College, we are concerned with the total formation of young people as Christian ladies and gentlemen whose behavior is modeled by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. In an effort to prepare students to make meaningful contributions to a changing world, St. Augustine’s provides a balanced school curriculum that is tailored to meet the needs of a diverse society. Students are empowered to cultivate their talents by actively engaging in the learning process as well as extracurricular activities. Continuously maintaining a high standard and an ideal learning environment will ensure our success.

Core Values

Religious Development - by developing a religious education curriculum suitable for young people of Bahamian culture, which will effectively teach both shared traditions of all Christians and for Roman Catholic students, specifically Catholic doctrines and practices; and by forming, in so far as possible, and with respect for differing religious convictions, a teaching staff that is sincerely committed to fostering the religious values of the school.

Self-Realization - by providing a wide range of learning situations and experiences, aesthetic, cultural and recreational, that enable all students to discover their talents; and by guiding students to evaluate and appreciate the many areas of work available to them.

Human Relationships - by fostering an attitude of respect and kindness toward students; by the organizing of extra-curricular clubs and activities which have as their aim the development of concern for others and their social well-being; and by curricula which expose students to the cultures, beliefs, and practices of other nations and races.

Civic Responsibility - by learning situations and extra-curricular activities which expose the students to the political and judicial process of the Bahamian Government; and by holding on-campus ceremonies such as Flag Day; and by encouraging the involvement of guest speakers who can instruct the students about the Government of The Bahamas.

Economic Efficiency - by learning situations that focus on the dynamics of economic development and the impact of such development on the people of this nation and the world. 

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