Tampa Catholic High School

Admissions Process (Grade 6 students)

The 2025 sitting of the SAC entrance exam will take place on Friday, January 31, 2025.

  • Hard copy applications can be collected from the SAC administration office on Bernard Rd. If applicant attends a Catholic primary school in The Bahamas, application can be made through their school.
  • To send in an application electronically: 

1.Download the application below. Application deadline is Friday, January 24, 2025.

2. Send the $60.00 application fee via online bank transfer to the account below. Please include purpose of payment when making transfer. For instructions on how to make transfer, click here.

Name on Account: St. Augustine's College

Bank: First Caribbean International Bank Ltd.

Branch: Harbour Bay

Branch Code: 09121

Account Number: 1235055

3. Send the proof of payment (screenshot) and completed signed application to businessoffice@sac.edu.bs in the same e-mail. Include "[Child's name] Entrance Exam" in the subject line of the email. Do not send in the application before you have paid the fee.

4. You will receive an email confirmation within 5 business days. 

  • Results of the exam will be available for collection on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
  • If accepted, parents will submit an intent form along with the seat fee deposit. Details on deposit amount and due date will be in the acceptance letter.
  • Parents will be invited to attend a meeting to complete the registration process and learn more about the school. The balance of the seat fee will be due at this time.
  • New student orientation will be held in August.

Admission Process for students entering grades 8 through 10

At this time, we are accepting applications for students entering grades 8 and 10 for the 2025-2026 school year. (Limited spaces are available).

Please download and fill out the application below, and submit it to the administration office with application requirements included in the document.

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